My Method

Try to ask a doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, religious clergy,

or even a close friend or family member about

the Soul, Death, Before Life, and After Life.

Most probably you will not receive the responses you are seeking.

No one can give you answers specific to yourself, only the answers that pertain to themselves.

However, you deserve a deep understanding of the questions and issues that are of greatest importance to you; and responses that will guide you to discover your answers for yourself.

I do not offer face-to-face or telephonic interactions. These are valuable, as people need personal contact with people. However, the detachment of written communication virtually eliminates the distractions and influence of physical presences when interacting on deep issues, particularly those that are heavy with emotion and troubling. This is not like a 15 minute session with a psychiatrist, or a 50 minute hour with a therapist. You will email me in as much detail as you want, the following:

The state of your Soul

The state of your body

The state of your mind

I do not want your real name, physical address, or telephone number. I will not solicit follow-on sessions, subscriptions, or sales of materials. I will not share your input or information with anyone.

I will tap into whatever knowledge I have, from both real world experience and special insights, to give you as much constructive guidance, counseling, advice as I possibly can in one comprehensive email attachment.

This could be a one-off encounter or

a continuing contact as you choose. The “door” will always be open.